SUCCESS! Mission Matictic:
Supporting an outreach ministry in the Philippines
Shala met Pastor Mong in 2013 on a mission trip with a church. He was like the favorite uncle we all love. They reconnected in 2016 on another mission trip. He is selflessly leading an outreach ministry in this rural and mountainous community in Matictic and are in desperate need of a vehicle to take the ministry workers out to the people. Because of your generous donations to our ministry, Pastor Mong was able to buy a vehicle on August 27, 2020. Thank you for helping us bless this ministry that is being the hands and feet of Jesus to this community!

A Testimony from our Outreach Worker
I was in second year high school when I came to know God. Back then, I started to attend Bible study, worship service every Sunday, and given the chance to teach children. We're not only teach those children who were around in our church but just like how Jesus evangelize, God also called us to evangelize. We have outreach in somewhat far from our church. We were riding in a single motorcycle which suits for just 2 people but we were 3 people who did outreach before (our pastor, me and my brother). We don't have any choice yet to fit in ourselves in the motorcycle (thanks to those slim bodies, haha) and because we were riding in a single motorcycle there were several times that we'd get wet by the rain.
Time passed, we've got used to with that scenario. But God is good, He's so good. He did not allowed those hindrances to be reason for us to stop. Unlike before that we only have 1 outreach (Coral), we have now 6 outreaches; Bilad-bilad, Coral-Fareast, Coral-Itaas, Coral-Hulo, Sangat and Rancho. Glory to God! And now we are not only 3 who did the outreach, He called more teachers and we are now 2 teams; 5 members each team. And due to the minimal capacity of a motorcycle, every time we went to our outreach we were now renting a tricycle and it capacitates 5 person only. What makes us more motivated to share Jesus to children despite of those hindrances? Simply, because God called us.
Matthew 9:35-28
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
We Bought a Tricycle!
We exceeded our goal of $2000, sending $3270 to Pastor Mong’s church to buy this brand new, 3-row tricycle instead of the original 2-row vehicle we had in mind. We know that this vehicle will help them get the Good News and critical support to the local villages with greater ease and impact. The entire outreach team is so excited about how God has provided for their needs.
Thank you to everyone who donated to this mission project!