Mary and Elizabeth
This portrait of Mary and Elizabeth’s visit, described in Luke 1, is one of my favorite pieces of art during my time in Italy. Luke 1:5 says that Elizabeth was a descendent of Aaron; thus, she and her young cousin, Mary, were both parts of the Levitical line of priests!
Both women are recipients of a miracle; Elizabeth overcoming barrenness and Mary, a pregnant virgin. These women of priestly blood would play crucial parts in fulfilling prophecy. Their greeting is tender and personal as they are filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41). Think about that. Two women of priestly blood are filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesy before Pentecost. This portrait is a powerful reminder that God has set aside women for high and holy purposes and that our female embodiment is made in the image of God, and it is good!
Visitation by Mariotto Albertinelli 1503 Oil on panel Located in the Uffizi Gallery Museum, Florence, Italy