Help for the Faithful Finish

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.
— 2 Timothy 4:7 (NLT)

Every night, I seem to dream nonstop.

Some dreams are in the first person, and in others, I’m observing. Some dreams repeat, and some dreams pick up where a previous one left off — those might be my favorite. Some dreams I easily remember, and others I quickly forget. My dreams are often vivid and detailed, complete with the senses of touch and smell.

The other night, I dreamed that crowds of people of all different shapes and sizes ran up a road to get to the top. But the black paved road seemed like a 90-degree wall. If you didn’t hit it running with full momentum, you would get stuck. As I began to tackle this obstacle, people ahead of me slowed down or stopped, leaving me holding on to this road for dear life.

People began passing me. I tried to climb, but I couldn’t. So, I did the only thing I knew to do. I cried out, “I need help!”

Like an angel, a young man appeared and reached over the edge for my hand. He pulled me up and through a large cutout in a white brick wall. He continued to lay on his stomach through that cutout to help more people up.

Full of gratitude, I grabbed hold of his feet to give him extra stability as he served. Then he relaxed and sat up. The people after me didn’t need his help like I needed his help. They effortlessly climbed this steep wall of a road and through the white brick hole without assistance.

That’s when I felt it. Shame. Insecurity. Worthlessness. Was it just me? Was I the only one who wasn’t strong enough? Was I the only one who needed help accomplishing what everyone else could do on their own?

At that moment, God reminded me to run my own race. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing or how you stack up to others. It’s OK to need help. All that matters is you made it!

We need to hold on to the goal of 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” That’s it! It doesn’t matter what place we finish. It doesn’t matter if someone has to hold us up as we limp across the finish line. We just need to finish and remain faithful.

Isn’t it awesome God designed the members of the body of Christ to help one another? As we fight the good fight in a world filled with comparisons and roadblocks, stalled momentum and dangerous cliffs, we can’t be afraid to ask for help when we need it and offer support to others who are struggling.

Ultimately, God wants all of His children to be with Him in eternity. He sent Jesus to do the work we could never do. And God gave believers the Holy Spirit, our great Helper, to guide us and strengthen us along the way. God has provided everything we need to finish our faith race well.

Prayer Starter

Father, thank You for working all things together for my good, including those moments when I need to ask for help. Empower me to be humble, to accept my weaknesses and to give to those in need around me. I want to finish the race and remain faithful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dig Deeper

Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (NLT) 


Is it hard for you to ask for help? If so, ask God to reveal the lie from the enemy that keeps you from being vulnerable. 

How can you lean into the body of Christ for support in this season so you can finish faithfully?

Let us hear from you! Add your thoughts about today’s devotion in the comments.

Shala Wilson

Shala Wilson is an uncompromised voice for change, challenging people to live a life that courageously chases their calling. As a creative entrepreneur and minister, she is committed to using her voice to unleash the freedom to thrive as she walks with the theologically marginalized and abused. Passionate about the local church and marketplace ministry, she loves creating a safe space for people to banish faulty thinking and encounter God. Shala studied Women and Theology at Northern Seminary and is pursuing her Doctor of Ministry at Houston Theological Seminary.


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