APEST Coaching
When each ministry style or gift speaks into the life of the Church, the Kingdom of God advances powerfully.
At Calling Qualified, we believe that one of the greatest tragedies impacting the Church is the inactivation of Christ’s body because people don’t know or understand how God uniquely wired them to display Christ. The APEST™ assessment and fivefold philosophy, rooted in Ephesians 4:11-13, helps believers find and lean into their ministry style.
“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
The Ministry Styles
Christ gave the Church apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers (APEST), and we believe a healthy church will have all of these gifts to equip the people.
While a mature Christian can minister in any of these areas when needed, they typically operate in a primary and secondary gift. Christ is the premier example of each of these gifts.
Alan Hirsch, who initiated and developed this profiling system, briefly describes each ministry style as follows:
Apostles extend the gospel.
Prophets know God’s will.
Evangelists recruit.
Shepherds nurture and protect.
Teachers understand and explain.
Discover Your APEST
Do you need clarity on what God has put inside of you and how He is calling you?
Whether you see yourself as a “leader” or not, knowing your APEST is a powerful tool in unlocking and understanding your role in God’s Church. We’ll provide you with a link to take the APEST assessment, and then we’ll walk you through your top two ministry styles, discovering how they uniquely show up in your life.
Individual Coaching: $160
APEST Assessment (provided)
Two 1-hour coaching sessions on your APEST couplet
Activate Your Team
Do you lead a church or ministry team? Don’t be surprised if you’ve served with someone for years and had no idea they had a hidden gift—they had no idea they had a hidden gift!
We would love to work with your leadership team to help each person understand how God has wired and called them to serve. APEST Team Coaching identifies where your team is strong and where potential gaps may lie, and gain insights into your team culture. After coaching each person through their couplet, we will present an assessment offering recommendations for activating and aligning your team.
“Working with Pastor Shala has changed my life. She has given me vision, clarity and great trajectory for my mission! After meeting with her, I’m so excited for the things I will be able to accomplish for God here on Earth!”
— Daria Willis