Shala’s Favorite Scripture

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33


Shala Wilson, President & Lead Minister

Shala Wilson is an uncompromised voice for change, challenging you to live a life that courageously chases the calling of Jesus Christ. Shala is an entrepreneur, photographer, branding expert, speaker, writer, and minister. She gives people permission to be true in their challenges, their calling, and their convictions as they seek to live a life that glorifies God. She believes in living your authentic self 24/7, that we should always be growing, and that a little bit of fun goes a long way!

Shala was ordained and first installed as a pastor at The Bridge, a church in Silver Spring, MD, who hired her in 2017 to launch their first youth ministry. Through 2020, she led various teams in addition to youth, including small groups, the marketing and communications team, and serving on the executive team. Shala also helped launch the Seeds and Water Collective, a ministry dedicated to ending the spiritual refugee crisis in America.

Based in Houston, Shala loves the diversity of her community and is always down for fajitas or spring rolls!


Heather Henderson, Director